Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Fall 2014, Question 34e

Influence of community leaders/organizers encouraging or discouraging the development of transit

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We’re interested in factors that may be encouraging or discouraging the expansion of transit in jurisdictions across the state. To what degree would you say the influence of persistent community leaders/organizers has been encouraging or discouraging the development of transit within your jurisdiction?

Jurisdiction Type Crosstabulation
% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
To what degree would you say the influence of persistent community leaders/organizers has been encouraging or discouraging the development of transit within your jurisdiction? Significantly Encouraging 8% 2% 6% 3% 3%
Somewhat Encouraging 27% 13% 23% 10% 15%
Neither Encouraging nor Discouraging 34% 37% 40% 37% 38%
Somewhat Discouraging 8% 9% 13% 11% 10%
Significantly Discouraging 4% 5% 3% 4% 4%
Not Applicable 2% 17% 5% 14% 14%
Don't Know 16% 17% 10% 21% 17%