Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2013, Question 45j

Effectiveness of being bicycle-friendly/walkability for economic development purposes

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Regardless of whether you have any placemaking efforts underway, in your opinion, how effective or ineffective for economic development purposes in your jurisdiction is being bicycle-friendly/walkability (complete streets)?

Jurisdiction Type Crosstabulation
% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
Regardless of whether you have any placemaking efforts underway, in your opinion, how effective or ineffective for economic development purposes in your jurisdiction is, or could be, being bicycle-friendly/walkability (complete streets)? Very Effective 22% 16% 38% 35% 22%
Somewhat Effective 53% 33% 52% 38% 38%
Neither Effective nor Ineffective 15% 14% 6% 12% 13%
Somewhat Ineffective 1% 4% 1% 0% 3%
Very Ineffective 3% 2% 0% 0% 2%
Not Applicable 1% 20% 1% 6% 14%
Don't Know 4% 11% 1% 8% 9%