Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2020, Question 21b

Impact so far of in-person same-day voter registration

Full Question Text

In November 2018, Michigan voters approved the "Voting Policies in State Constitution Initiative" (Proposal 3). To the best of your knowledge, has in-person, same-day voter registration up to and including election day at your local clerk's office had a positive or negative impact on your jurisdiction's administration of the elections since then? 

Jurisdiction Type Crosstabulation
% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
In November 2018, Michigan voters approved the "Voting Policies in State Constitution Initiative" (Proposal 3). To the best of your knowledge, has in-person, same-day voter registration up to and including election day at your local clerk's office had a positive or negative impact on your jurisdiction's administration of the elections since then? No impact so far ** 19% 18% ** 19%
Very positive ** 6% 11% ** 7%
Mostly positive ** 26% 25% ** 26%
Mostly negative ** 24% 20% ** 23%
Very negative ** 17% 13% ** 17%
Don't know ** 8% 14% ** 9%