
fiscal health

Showing 1 - 30 of 187 results
State & Hill

Quantum leap

May 3, 2023
City of Flint and CLOSUP work toward transparency in municipal financial reporting By Daniel Rivkin When City of Flint CFO Rob Widigan looks at his required annual financial reporting to the state of Michigan, he sighs. His department needs to...
In the Media

Financial reporting bill in Senate has muni lobby on edge

Sep 19, 2022 The Bond Buyer
The municipal market is rattled by legislation pending before the Senate that would require governments to standardize their financial reports, with opponents warning it would be onerous and costly and ultimately could shrink tax-exempt...
CLOSUP Updates

New Report: A Twenty-year Review of Flint’s Financial Condition

Jun 8, 2022
A new report from CLOSUP illustrates how data found in basic financial statements may be used to understand how Flint’s financial condition has changed over time. We draw on data from Flint’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports from FY 2000 to...
MPPS in the news

Michigan governments sit on $11B from stimulus, as needs grow every day

Oct 25, 2021 Bridge Michigan
Battle Creek — Helping residents pay off nearly $2 million in delinquent utility bills.  Expanding high-speed internet access. Making major repairs at a wastewater treatment plant. There’s no shortage of ideas on how to spend a $30.5 million...
CLOSUP Updates

Local Government COVID-19 Fiscal Strategy and Resource Guide

Jun 1, 2020
CLOSUP is partnering with experts from universities, consulting firms, and research institutions across Michigan to help local governments respond to fiscal challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. View the Resource Guide View the news...

Fiscal health: Mixed signals for Michigan’s local governments

Dec 11, 2019
ANN ARBOR—More than two-thirds of Michigan’s local government leaders rate their jurisdictions’ current fiscal stress as relatively low, according to a new survey by the University of Michigan’s Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy. On the...
State & Hill

CLOSUP’s Michigan Public Policy Survey turns 10

Nov 14, 2019
It’s been a tumultuous decade in Michigan: three governors, a cratered economy and its recovery, the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, a public health disaster in Flint, and more. Through it all, the Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS)...
MPPS in the news

Most government units in Michigan unprepared for next recession

Oct 30, 2019 105.5 FM WTHD LaGrange, IN
More than half of Michigan's local government leaders are concerned about the potential impact of the next recession on their jurisdictions' ability to deliver public services and maintain government operations. Although local leaders have...