
Intergovernmental cooperation

Showing 1 - 30 of 140 results
Fiscal Strategy Memos

Fiscal Strategies: Regionalizing Services

August 18, 2020
Jill Roof, Citizens Research Council of Michigan, Tucker Staley, Eastern Michigan University, Meredith Days, University of Michigan
This memo is included in the Local Government COVID-19 Fiscal Strategy and Resource...
Working Papers

Prospects for Expanding Regional Planning Efforts

June 1, 2010
Elisabeth Gerber, Carolyn G. Loh
We assess the potential for expanding regional planning by asking local government officials their perspectives on the potential for increasing regionalism in their communities, and the most promising approaches to achieving greater regionalism. Our...

Regional Planning in Michigan: Challenges and Opportunities of Intergovernmental Cooperation Project

September 2001 - June 2006
Elisabeth Gerber
Note: This project was active at CLOSUP from 2001 to 2006. The information below is for archival purposes. This study represents one of the first academic efforts to systematically examine the factors that affect the formation and ongoing operations of regional governmental planning efforts related to land use issues. Michigan law (as with many states) allows numerous forms of regional planning, though state policy does little to actively encourage such efforts, and the state’s tradition of home rule creates strong disincentives for regionalism. Despite these obstacles, many efforts are...